Simple IV

Los Angeles, California

Simple IV offers personalized in-home IV infusions with essential fluids, electrolytes, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
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Simple IV decided to target attendees of music festivals, and specifically Coachella, offering them vitamin infusion therapy to help them recover after perhaps partying a little too hard at the event. While the Simple IV website clearly explained all of the benefits of IV therapy, it didn’t go into the specifics of how and why the therapy is ideal for people attending music festivals.


Susan Greene, copywriter, was contracted to write a landing page about vitamin IV therapy and its popularity during and after music festivals. The page would have to be informative, not pushy. It would also have to take away any fears prospective customers might have about the therapy being painful (it’s not) or unsafe (it’s safe). For that reason, Susan included 10 FAQs to help put prospects at ease.

The Simple IV landing page was designed to attract music festival attendees who wanted a fast, easy recovery after a weekend of heavy partying.

Finally, the landing page would have to be optimized for search engines so that a festival-goer who decided to search for IV therapy would find Simple IV in the search results.


The landing page was successful in targeting the music festival niche and helping to generate new business inquiries from concert goers for Simple IV. The company is now considering creating additional, highly focused landing pages for other niches.

Let's Talk

Could a focused landing page help your business target a new niche? Explore the exciting possibilities.

Contact Susan Greene today!
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