Promote Your Mold Removal and Restoration Capabilities
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Looking for a copywriter who can help you generate leads for your water damage remediation business? Contact us for a free quote.
Generate more leads for your water damage remediation business with better marketing.
Consider this scenario. A family experiences flooding in their home. They’ve stopped the water at its source but still have a big, messy clean-up job ahead of them. They’re understandably upset and unsure of what to do. They know they need professional help in water damage remediation to make their property livable again. Can you guess what they do next?
They pull out their smartphone, head to Google and start searching for water restoration and remediation companies in their local area. Now here are a few more pertinent questions:
If you can’t answer those questions with a decisive yes, it may be time to take a look at your website and other marketing materials.
A major storm brings out all the water damage remediation companies. How can you make your business stand out?
As a water restoration and remediation business, you know the market is super-competitive. You have to fight for nearly every job. And there’s always someone willing to undercut you on price.
Your marketing needs to be on point if you’re to stand out in the crowded water remediation field. A professional copywriter who understands water damage remediation can write compelling copy for your website that creates trust in your company and drives business growth.
Most people who look at your site are stressed, dealing with a scary, unpleasant and unfamiliar situation. They’re in need of help and guidance.
When you provide clear, useful information, you position your business as an authority in the water remediation industry.
Your website needs to educate them on the process, positioning your business as experts by explaining the various steps of water restoration such as:
By providing helpful information on your website, visitors will begin to know you and trust you. From there it’s just a short journey to contacting and hiring you.
Fill your remediation and restoration website with relevant content that educates and sells in a subtle way.
The fact is you’re in an industry where the need is great. Look at these water damage statistics.
That means there’s plenty of business out there. Make sure you’re getting your piece of the water restoration pie!
A prospective customer landing on your website or finding your ad wants to understand what your company can do and determine if your services match their needs. For water and flood damage specialists, your website should convey the following points about your company in the written copy:
Visitors to your website should be able to quickly glean your capabilities.
You should also describe the kinds of water damage that you have experience remediating such as:
Additionally, we recommend including some written testimonials from satisfied customers. Those third-party endorsements can carry a lot of weight with people deciding on whether to use your water remediation services.
Written testimonials from satisfied customers can be extremely effective in attracting new business.
You can even write some case studies long-form that review your services favorably and explain how you helped a customer dealing with a flood disaster.
Your website is likely to be your primary marketing tool. But don’t completely wave off other promotional items. You can tout your water remediation services in multiple ways to maximize your company’s exposure. A skilled professional copywriter can help you create:
In addition to general materials promoting your services and brand, consider creating specific campaigns.
Use targeted marketing in the form of landing pages or direct mail when you know people in your area are experiencing flooding.
For example, if there’s been excessive rain in your area and many people have basement flooding, or a hurricane has come through and many people have damage from the storm surge, or if freezing weather has been causing pipes in your area to burst, consider writing a targeted promotion. It can be a landing page, sales letter or ad that speaks directly to the problem, such as:
You’ll easily catch the eye of anyone in that specific situation. Then position your company as the best solution:
If you’re really on the ball, you’ll do some advance work. Before the hurricane hits, print brochures on what to do after a hurricane. Set up a Facebook campaign to run immediately after the storm. You can even create flyers to distribute by hand in neighborhoods with the worst losses right after the event.
“Everything is pre-set and ready to go so you’re not fumbling around after the emergency hits,” explains John Braun in Restoration & Remediation magazine. “The goal is to be ready to get business done!”
A professional copywriter who understands water damage remediation can write copy that promotes your restoration services in a compelling way.
The need for water remediation services/mold removal ebbs and flows. You may have seasons when you’re overwhelmed with work and others when you’re barely scraping by.
A professional copywriter who understands water damage, mold and restoration services can help you create marketing materials that mitigate the endless feast-or-famine cycle. Copywriting services are affordable and can often be paid for with profits from just one or two jobs giving you a fast return on investment.
Be the leader in your industry, the most well-known and well-liked water remediation company in your area. Contact a professional copywriter to get started marketing your business right away.
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