Hi Susan,
I read your article about How Real Estate Copywriters Help Realtors Attract Buyers and Sellers and just had to contact you. In my region, there aren’t many copywriters I know or researched who deal specifically in the real estate market.
I’m a budding copywriter, coming from a content writing and marketing background. Wanted to know a bit more about your story, particularly how you started in this niche market.
I am wanting to get into real estate investing and think real estate copywriting would be a great way to both learn, develop my skills and build my network for future.
I thoroughly enjoyed the case study examples which got me thinking about the impact.
Look forward to hearing from you and happy to connect.
Stefan De Las
Copywriter, Content Strategist & Ghostwriter
Hi Stefan,
It’s nice to meet you. I’m glad you found my real estate article interesting. I’m happy to answer your questions.
In terms of the real estate niche, I come from a real estate family. My dad (now deceased) was a realtor and my brother currently is. In fact, I partner with my brother in marketing condo hotels on this site, www.condohotelcenter.com.
I write content for our website (we have over 600 pages and counting), send out a bi-weekly newsletter promoting our latest property and craft social media posts. My brother handles all client interaction and puts together deals. I see my role as getting people to come to our website and contact us, and then it’s my brother’s job to help those people buy properties.
We split the sales commissions. It’s been a profitable venture for me for the past 10+ years as well as an exciting opportunity to test my skills in a different way.
Having said that, I do also enjoy marketing and copywriting for other people’s businesses. Real estate is just one niche of many that I target.
With multiple niches, I have steady work, and I like the variety. The challenge of learning about different businesses and industries excites me. That’s the path I’ve chosen. But I know plenty of other copywriters who’ve focused on a single specialty, such as healthcare or fashion, and been successful. Every copywriter has an opportunity to mold their business around their interests and abilities.
The real estate niche has been profitable for me on multiple levels, so it’s one I continue to pursue. I’m sure if real estate is your passion, you’ll be able to build your own business around that space.
I suggest that you look into learning to write property listing descriptions as well as web pages that target specific geographical areas (i.e. real estate agent selling homes in Miami), as those are two types of copy requests I frequently get.
There’s an abundance of real estate copy readily available online, so it won’t take you long to find examples of how realtors market their services and promote their listings. Learn from them and begin developing your own style.
If real estate investing is your thing, find a way to build your business around buying and selling property. Your ability to write and market your own properties could be the difference between success and failure.
If you go to my blog, I have many articles that offer advice for aspiring copywriters. You may find them helpful as a starting point for building your real estate copywriting business.
I wish you the best of luck!
Susan Greene, Freelance Copywriter
Hi Susan,
Yes, it was a pleasure to meet you.
Ah, ok. You’ve been indoctrinated since you were younger. I understand.
The variety seems to be a good path for consistent sources but I definitely am interested in niching a bit more. Simply saw your post and decided to ask. 🙂
I appreciate the links to your site and sources. I’ll definitely take a look.
Thanks for responding. I know people are busy so thanks for the time.
Stefan De Las
Copywriter, Content Strategist & Ghostwriter
Thank you for getting the work done so quickly. We love everything about this website copy! Looks amazing!
Anna Mandac
Ledger Lovers Co.
Cleveland, Ohio