Transforming Customers into Devoted Fans

The Unexpected Touch: How One Simple Act Can Win Over a Customer

Have you ever experienced a moment in a business when someone did something truly exceptional and unexpected? Maybe they lent a hand when you were down? Or they were incredibly generous with their time. Such acts can be powerful wins for a business, turning customers into loyal advocates for a brand.

I recently had one of those moments. Although the business’s actions were likely planned, they still managed to surprise and delight me. Here’s my story:

My husband and I were taking our first-ever river cruise, starting in Basel, Switzerland and ending in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. After boarding the ship, the crew invited the 150+ guests to a large sitting room for a welcome session and brief discussion about onboard safety.

Sailing on the Amamora

We sailed on the AMA Waterways ship, the Amamora, with a group of about 150 guests.

As we entered, a crew member, impeccably dressed and radiating warmth, greeted us with a cheerful “Welcome!” and handed every woman a fresh rose. It was a thoughtful gesture, and I carried my rose with me to my seat.

The welcome meeting took about 45 minutes, ending at 6:30 p.m. Most of us had endured a long day of travel and were eagerly anticipating our first dinner onboard. The event’s host invited the guests to proceed to the dining room where dinner would be served.

Dining room

We made our way out of the sitting room and up a flight of stairs to the dining room. As the group entered, the maître d offered to hold each woman’s rose for safekeeping, placing it in a large vase with water, where it could be retrieved on the way out.

After dinner, exiting the dining room, Jim and I were chatting with another couple we’d just met, and I forgot to collect my rose. I didn’t realize my mistake until we’d been in our cabin for a while. It was probably too late to retrieve it. I consoled myself with the thought that the rose would likely last longer in the communal vase anyway, as I didn’t have a vase in our cabin.

A short while later, Jim and I went out to explore the ship and check out the evening’s entertainment. When we returned to our cabin after about an hour, I was astonished to find my rose, placed on the counter. Not only had someone made the effort to retrieve it, they’d also put it in a cute little vase and filled it with water. What a nice surprise!

AMAWaterways cruise ship

Unfortunately, I didn’t think to take a photo of the rose until a few days had passed. It looked fresh and lovely when delivered.

It’s possible that this “rose trick” was done in every cabin and for every guest, but that didn’t diminish the impact for me. It was a small but meaningful gesture that demonstrated meticulous attention to detail. It impressed me and made me feel valued as a customer.

So, what’s the takeaway of this story, especially as it relates to copywriting, the theme of this blog?

Find ways to delight your customers. Do the unexpected. Exceed expectations. Come through when other vendors can’t or won’t.

When you make your clients feel appreciated, they become loyal fans eager to work with you and recommend you to others. More importantly, doing even a small but unexpected nicety, is a wonderful way to help make the world a better place.

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