Simple IV

Los Angeles, California

Simple IV offers personalized in-home IV infusions with essential fluids, electrolytes, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
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Do you need help with copywriting for your IV-therapy business? Get a quote!


When a house-call cosmetic physician decided to expand his practice to offer home IV treatments, he established the company Simple IV and hired a marketing team to create a website that would generate inquiries from prospective customers/patients.

As a new business, in a relatively new industry, the website would have to create instant credibility and would also have to allay any potential concerns customers might have about IV treatments.

IV treatment copywriter


Susan Greene was hired by the marketing team to write the copy for the website, including descriptions of every vitamin, nutrient and mineral offered in the IV treatments.

IV therapy copywriter


The website was successfully launched and is helping to build the Simple IV brand and build a following for the company’s unique IV-therapy services to the Los Angeles market. 

Let's Talk

Could a new website help your company establish its brand and drive customers to your business?

Contact Susan Greene now to explore all of the exciting possibilities!
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